Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium 2020, Bringing Resiliency into Focus


The Vermont Department of Mental Health and the Vermont Suicide Prevention Center are honored to bring over 30 expert practitioners with a wide range of experiences on August 18th to the Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium 2020, Bringing Resiliency into Focus.  The Symposium will be VIRTUAL for the first time! In addition to four diverse and talented Keynote speakers, we have over 25 additional Workshop and Ted-style presentations representing a wide range of informative topics.

The Symposium will engage a broad array of stakeholders to expand community based and cross sector approaches to suicide prevention.  Topics will appeal to those in healthcare, social services, substance misuse and mental health providers, representatives of community based organizations and state agencies that serve youth, families and adults across the lifespan, local and state policy makers, and people with lived experience.

For more information and to register, click here


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