Culinary Medicine & Mental Health
VCPI is pleased to share a special offer: join chef and nutritionist Dr. Deb Kennedy this winter for the first-ever “Culinary Medicine for Mental Health Practitioners” 8-week course. Come learn about how food influences one’s mental and emotional health…in addition to discussion, resources & readings, a weekly online cooking class is included as well. Topics include:
Foundational nutrient mechanisms that influence mental health
• Diets and foods that promote a healthy brain
• An in-depth look at foods and their impact on mental health
• Culinary techniques that promote positive mental health
• A review of food and nutrition strategies that influence depression, anxiety, mood, concentration and addiction
Questions? Email
Complete the interest form here: (Links to an external site.) (space will be limited).
Note: a special discount is available for mental health practitioners & VCPI members! Feel free to post & share.