Words Matter, Actions Matter. Serve on MLK Day 2022.

The 2022 MLK Day of Service is almost here – and Americans across the country are rolling up their sleeves in service. Are you ready to get out and serve? Join VCPI, The King Center, and Americorps to make a difference.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service is a defining moment each year when Americans across the country step up to make our communities more equitable and take action to create the Beloved Community of Dr. King’s dream. While Dr. King believed The Beloved Community was possible, he acknowledged and fought for systemic change. His example is our call to action.

Making time to volunteer for MLK Day of Service is a great way to engage with your community while honoring the legacy of Dr. King. Whether you plan on cleaning up a public space, mentoring a young person or engaging dialogue to explore ways to address inequity, foster inclusion and improve access, honor Dr. King’s legacy through service. 

Pledge to serve in his honor.

Looking for a way to participate? Sign up to volunteer through the United Way of Northwest Vermont or Cabot Coop’s Reward Volunteers directory. You can also find opportunities with SERVE at Northern Vermont University and via Americorps.

Be sure to share your thoughts and photos from your volunteer service that day: 

  1. Share photos, videos, and posts about your service with the hashtag #MLKDay and tag @VTCPI + @TheKingCenter on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

  2. Connect with other volunteers and check-in on the  @AmeriCorps Facebook page.

  3. Follow @AmeriCorps and @TheKingCenter on Instagram for the latest MLK Day updates and resources.

While much work remains to fulfill Dr. King’s dream of a Beloved Community, service can help unify Americans of different backgrounds and experiences. Through service we can build more equitable and just communities to underpin racial equity, expand civic opportunities, and foster respect for individual differences. 

How will you step forward and serve this MLK Day? Whether you are volunteering in-person or digitally, there are so many ways to safely make a positive impact in your community.


Course Preview for March 2022


VCPI to join VT Reads with VHC for 2021