Support the 2024 Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium


The data is clear - we know that Vermonters are more at-risk for death by suicide, suicide attempts, and self-harm compared to the national average. This is especially true for our youth, older adults, veterans, and our BIPOC and LGBQT+ communities.

You can make a difference and help save lives by sponsoring the 2024 Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium - promoting awareness, education, and action on this critical issue.

Our first in-person gathering since the pandemic, this special event will be held on September 13, 2024 at the Vermont State University Randolph campus. Presented by the nonprofit Vermont Collaborative for Practice Improvement & Innovation in partnership with the Vermont Department of Mental Health and United Way of Northwest Vermont, the day-long conference will include presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities featuring leading voices in the field from both Vermont and across the nation. Our focus is on equitable, sustainable, and comprehensive suicide prevention with sessions designed for mental health clinicians, peer support workers, advocates & families, individuals with lived experience, healthcare providers, educators, and community members. We envision a day of connection, growth, and support for all attendees.

This essential work can only be accomplished through the generous financial contributions of supporters like you. We invite you to consider a sponsorship at one of the levels outlined below.  Your funding will enable participants to engage in transformational learning, develop valuable skills, and access the resources they need to make a positive impact around the Green Mountain State. In appreciation of your efforts, sponsors will be prominently recognized in digital and print marketing materials, provided with an exhibition table, and acknowledged throughout the event itself.

For more information about sponsorships, or to discuss your ideas & questions, please contact VCPI. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you and make a lasting difference in our Vermont communities. See you in September!


Sponsorship Levels

Your sponsorship will have an immediate and direct impact - funding speaker honorariums, program materials, and supporting scholarships for attendees. All sponsors will be acknowledged and thanked during the opening remarks. 

Symposium Changemaker - $5,000
- Special recognition and an opportunity to speak just prior to the keynote session
- Complimentary use of exhibitor table
- Name/logo included in digital and print marketing materials and in conference materials/handouts
- Organizational brochure or marketing materials included in attendee swag bag
- 3 Complimentary tickets


Symposium Champion - $2,500

- Special recognition in a workshop session
- Complimentary use of exhibitor table
- Name/logo included in digital and print marketing materials and in conference materials/handouts
- 2 Complimentary tickets


Symposium Partner - $1,000

- Complimentary use of exhibitor table
- Name/logo included in digital and print marketing materials and in conference materials/handouts
- Organizational brochure or marketing materials included in attendee swag bag
- A complimentary ticket

 Symposium Advocate - $500

- Complimentary use of exhibitor table
- Name/logo included in digital and print marketing materials and in conference materials/handouts
- Nonprofit organizations may sponsor at this level for $350


Vermont Flooding Mental Health Resources


Vermont Tobacco Control Youth Leadership Council