Workforce Development

What is our approach to Workforce Development?

Working cooperatively, we achieve more progress, with great efficiency. We call that “our value proposition”


Learn by Doing

Learn by doing, not by training. Sustainable workforce development requires an overall practice improvement strategy. General training may be helpful as an introduction to a concept or type of practice, but true and lasting workforce development happens only when that training is translated into changing practice – actually changing the way that services are delivered.


Work Cooperatively

Work cooperatively, not independently. Many organizations independently develop and implement training and workforce development activities on the SAME TOPICS, ranging from basic staff orientation to advanced practice. VCPI will help organizations find efficiencies and build better outcomes by facilitating sharing of resources, expertise, materials, and workforce development activities across the members, both online and in person.


Expand Efficiency

Expand efficiency and effectiveness, not cost. VCPI offers a consultation to Coop members, to help organizations review current workforce development activities and identify opportunities – through VCPI – to produce better results at lower cost.


For more information about Workforce Development

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